Sports fencing that should have gone around a football pitch has instead been built through the goalposts.

The £6,000 new development on the popular spot for people to enjoy a game of football has temporarily put any summer football fun on hold, reported the York Press.

City of York council has apologised for the "own goal", which will be sorted out quickly.

Dave Meigh, the city council's head of parks and open spaces, said that the line of sports fencing was installed ahead of a £37,000 investment in new equipment that was expected in the coming weeks.

He told the newspaper: "We recognise that failure to relocate the goalposts is a real own goal and we have asked the contractors to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. We can only apologise for the error.”

It is envisaged that the goalposts will be moved so that the area is better laid out for football and other recreational sports.
Vital sports fencing around a popular BMX track in the West Midlands has been destroyed by vandals causing £600 worth of damage.

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